Spotify Playlists

New Songs Every Month!

Everybody listens to music in the gym. Here we have created 3 playlists including the most common genres listened while working out. The first playlist is liked by most of the lifters, since it has general genres. On the other hand, the other two playlists are just for the people who have a brutal taste and like amazing music genres.

  • Here we combine genres like trap, rap, house and many more! Don’t like a song? Click the "HIDE" button. Shuffle and enjoy !🔥

  • The playlist for all the techno lovers. If you don't like a song just click the "HIDE" button. Play shuffle and enjoy ! 🔥

  • The playlist for all the Metal lifters. If you don't like a song just click the "HIDE" button. Play shuffle and enjoy !🔥
