How to Use

We will show you how to correctly use your straps in order to maximize the quality of your workouts.

Check the Images for further Guidance

Step by Step Guide

Step 1

Insert both of your hands facing up through the space of the wrists. The straps should have the silicone's side also facing up.

Step 2

You should have both straps inserted by now. To check if you have done it correctly look that you have the neoprene padding on the back of your wrist (hands facing up), and the straight part of the strap with the silicone facing up, is resting in the space between your thumb and index finger.

Step 3

This step depends on your personal preference. To do one turn around the barbell, as seen in the picture first stick the magnetic side under the barbell. Then, wrap the strap around once going towards the middle side of the barbell. Remember to have the silicone side facing up towards you, in order to grab it with the palm of your hands. So after you are done wrapping, the left strap should be pointing towards the right and right strap pointing towards the left.

Step 4

If you prefer doing two turns around the barbell follow Step 3 and do this after. After one turn directed towards the centre of the barbell, do another turn now directing back towards your hands. Some part of the strap should be over on top of each other after both turns. So that you can grab both turns of the strap with the palm of your hands. We recommend wrapping them around the barbell and trying to reduce the possible friction when in contact with the glue & magnets. This will ensure that your straps will last longer and won´t wear away the glue.

Still not clear? Check here our explanation video.